Friday, October 9, 2009

"The 9.12 Project"

I have always been wondering as to why Glenn Beck used the symbol of the snake in the "9.12 Project". I would like to say that, maybe because a character of a serpent symbolizes being cunning, strong and wise. I dunno...But what prompted me to write this blog post is because of the 9 principles and 12 values project that not only can be applied to Americans but also to any soul in this whole, wide world. The texts are surely a message of inspiration and attracts anyone who is looking for inner freedom and peace. The messages come from a human's point of view, and it talks about the search for happiness, for truth and for peace. One can certainly pick up a very valuable lesson from these (politics aside!).

9 Principles, 12 Values

The 9 Principles

1. America Is Good.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.

God “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” from George Washington’s first Inaugural address.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.

Honesty “I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” George Washington

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.

Marriage/Family “It is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is known. By a law of our nature, we cannot be happy without the endearing connections of a family.” Thomas Jefferson

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

Justice “I deem one of the essential principles of our government… equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.” Thomas Jefferson

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.

Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness “Everyone has a natural right to choose that vocation in life which he thinks most likely to give him comfortable subsistence.” Thomas Jefferson

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

Charity “It is not everyone who asketh that deserveth charity; all however, are worth of the inquiry or the deserving may suffer.” George Washington

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.

On your right to disagree “In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude; every man will speak as he thinks, or more properly without thinking.” George Washington

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

Who works for whom? “I consider the people who constitute a society or a nation as the source of all authority in that nation.” Thomas Jefferson

The 12 Values
* Honesty
* Reverence
* Hope
* Thrift
* Humility
* Charity
* Sincerity
* Moderation
* Hard Work
* Courage
* Personal Responsibility
* Gratitude


Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Own Testimony on "Law of Attraction"

I want to tell you a story about me personally. Sometimes I wonder, why people are attracted to me. I am just not talking about the physical nature, but the emotional and intellectual aspects as well.

What makes me wonder is, that way back in my high school days up until the present, my classmates or colleagues would most of the time, choose me to be a group leader whenever there is an activity. Not to brag about this, but what I am saying is true. Every time I am chosen to lead in a particular exercise or project, I always ask myself why they chose me. Do I have the capabilities to function as a leader?

I have always been kind of reluctant when a responsibility of some sort is given to me. What I notice though in myself is my genuine ability to be courteous and respectful to someone. I can readily smile to whoever comes my way. I am open to sharing whatever knowledge or skill I have in a particular area or topic. Though I lack skills and expertise in one area, I excel in other areas too. And, I never stop seeking for higher learning. I enjoy spending my time in good trivial and intellectually stimulating conversations with my friends and family.

Although I am proud of what I have achieved, I thank God for the blessings and even the trials. I never boast of my assets whenever someone praises me for a job well done. And I always think that someone is much more witty and smarter or learned than me. This is keeping my feet firmly planted on the ground.

Maybe these good qualities of mine magnet me to like-minded people and enable me to meet new friends and even help old friendships last. The key is being yourself and accepting who you are, and be generous of your ideas. And also by loving yourself, you can attract loving and nurturing energies from just about anyone. "Like attracts like", it never changes. Mathematically speaking, equations such as + . + = +, and - . + = -. If you are positive, then you multiply your positive vibrations, but if you are negative about everything, even though there are positive sources out there, it will still result to (-).

The change must start from within ourselves. Start attracting the (+) today!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Law of Attraction

A little over a year ago a friend told me about a book that outlined a 40 day plan to apply the Law of Attraction. I borrowed the book and was inspired by its message.

That little book, only 96 pages started me on a journey I never anticipated. It introduced me to the Law of Attraction and Wealth Consciousness and I haven't stopped reading and studying since.

The Law states: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted. If you think about being broke, poor, lonely and believe your thoughts guess what? That is exactly what you'll be. This Law applies to your life and every other person's life on the planet. Like all laws, it is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don't want it to.

Everything comes to us through the most elemental law of physics - Like Attracts Like! Like Attracts Like is nothing more than the Law of Attraction. It is absolute and has nothing to do with your personality, your religious beliefs, being a "good" or a "bad" person or anything else. No one lives beyond this Law. It is an unquestionable law of the universe.

I didn't want to believe it. It was my circumstances that had brought me to where I was. I couldn't possibly be responsible. Then I read in James Allen's - As A Man Thinketh, "Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself."

Imagine starting to believe in yourself and your infinite possibilities. Imagine believing you deserve everything you want out of life. Imagine getting everything you want out of life.

Once you apply the Law of Attraction everything is possible.
